Saturday, July 10, 2010

These Are a Few of My Dog's Favorite Foods

You know the routine; you are all alone in your kitchen. You walk on over to the refrigerator or open a container of food.  And - suddenly your dog is there! And he's bearing down on your heals, with his tail wagging. "Where did he come from?" you say to yourself. Or better yet, "Where did you come from?" you ask the dog directly.

I'd read in novels that horses could smell water that was hundreds of miles away. Sure, I thought to myself. Smell water?  But here in my own home is the canine equivalent. Take out a simple baked potato from the oven while the dog is in his bed on the living room - and hello Joey.

Over the years, we've come to pride ourselves on a pretty varied list of foods from which our chocolate Labrador Retriever derives gustatory delight.  These are a few of Joey's favorite foods:

  • oranges
  • grapefruit sections and
  • cherries (not sure if they agree with him and besides they're kind of expensive)
  • blueberries  (really good if you want to be the pitcher and doggie plays the catcher)
  • beets  (Do you hear me? Beets!)
  • potatoes, baked and grilled
  • potato chips
  • can't forget popcorn
  • challah - yes challah. It's in his DNA.
  • grilled salmon
  • nuts - cashews in particular but any will do
  • chicken of course (cooked any way)

  • treats!

How exactly did the Labrador Retriever, out of his Canadian and English ancestry and breeding, develop a taste for corn?  Or citrus?  

Now there are legal limits to how much of these foods we will allow him to eat.  We don't want him to be a beggar, and we want to maintain his slim weight.

And there are also foods that are illegal for him. Prohibido under any circumstances. And these foods are:

  • Anything that contains chocolate is in this category. (This is harmful to dogs).

  • Or onions.

  • Or garlic. (No thanks, onions and garlic dog farts!)

  • Or salsa. (goes right through him)

  • Or carrots.  (dog diarrhea, no thanks)

  • bones and ribs - the kind that are nicely packaged just for dogs, or the kind that your nice neighbors and friends save for your dog from their rib steak dinner. Joey loves 'em! When you are handing him that bone, you feel you are handing him happiness on a stick.  He covets it and protects it, like a child. But two days  later - we have a problem!!  And who's the one walking him tonight???

What are YOUR dog's favorite foods?

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